Business Matching and Economics (BME)
The BME-Program
Business Matching and Economics (BME) is the second pillar within MDnext; it leverages the potential of our community and empowers it with our national and international network and stakeholders in order to support new entrepreneurs, start-ups and even initiate new large projects. The goal is to create cooperative connections and realize business opportunities that benefit all involved parties.
The main objective of the BME program is to support services and (new) business areas that have a large impact on the overall national economy and society. This can be met by stimulating entrepreneurship and injecting appropriate investments to launch innovative ideas and create new opportunities; not to mention acting as a trusted partner for (foreign) investments in Morocco. Thanks to our wide network and partners, investments can be injected in various domains with a close supervision and control of MDnext experts. This endorses the interface between EST and BME programs and bridges technology development and market demand. In short, BME program focuses on the following:
Entrepreneurship stimulation: This is performed through the creation of a local STE (Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship) academy, which takes the lead in providing the right trainings, workshops, tutorials, and guidance to (new potential) entrepreneurs and investors, as well as helps companies to improve their processes and organizations.
Start-ups empowerment: This is performed through the improvement of bilateral business activities in our countries while responding to the needs of our communities and nations, facilitation of investments through our national and international network, bringing investors in contact with talented entrepreneurs and start-ups (e.g. entrepreneurships day), etc.
Project initialization and development: MDnext initiates and supports new projects with large scale impact in any domain of interest for – or responding to the needs of – our community and countries.

Have a Look at Our Other Programs
MDnext operates mainly in three strongly interdependent domains, and supported by a Center of Excellence (COE)
Education, Science and Technology
Driven by knowledge exchange, access to the expertise, and guidance of new generations.
Society, culture and Emancipation
Driven by multicultural strengthening, social and cultural support, and emancipation improvement.
Center of Excellence
CoE is the linking pin between our programs using our expertise.